Facebook could introduce advertising and ads on videos live

Facebook is betting big on the live video, like many other social platforms.And these contents are broadcast in real time, get together in a given very broad audiences time and generate more engagement than traditional videos (according to data from Facebook, videos live are up to three times longer than the rest).

But although these videos get much success at the viewings, its attractiveness is less from the point of view of income: is that Facebook Live does not, for the moment, advertising, and that leaves no precious income both Facebook and creators of videos. Something that network Mark Zuckerberg has put solution soon.

According to reports Digiday are several publishers who have said that Facebook has already assured them that thinks put some advertising format in place and begin to test them soon, but have not given more information about how will the ads or the specific dates on which they’ll be available.

The colonial style contrasts

Often, given the saturation of options, the best alternative is to use the sure – fire classic. The colonial style is one of the most decorative styles result ones precisely because, even coming from the past, never fails to be at the forefront. The eclecticism that characterizes this current finds its origin in the former European colonies, but adapts perfectly to the needs that we seek in our environments of XXI century. As it is a style marked by balance totally opposed concepts, I will introduce its main features through 5 couples of contrast…

The Problems of Eating Fake Meat

Meat is a staple of many people’s diets, from beef, lamb and chicken to processed meats, frozen meat, burgers and sausages. With the increase in the number of people turning to vegetarianism, there has been a demand for meat substitutes as vegetarians look to replace their meat with a vegetable-derived alternative. However, fake meat is difficult to produce due to meat’s complex structure, and these alternative ‘meats’ end up not quite achieving the right texture or flavour.

7 home remedies for terrible stains on a sofa

The sofa, by function and size, usually acts as the protagonist of our living room or dining room. It is not only a focus but a core of life; after the table is the sofa. They come in many styles, colors, designs, sizes … but they all share a common threat: the time comes when something is spilled on your fabric. Clean a sofa is complicated task, without even entering the different tissues more or less sensitive, since it is a fabric that cannot be handled with ease sleeve or any other garment. Today I will present the worst that can happen to a sofa: scarier 7 spots and how to fix them with 7 tricks home.

Companies are giving priority to content over ads

Nobody likes online ads: interrupt, deconcentrated, and half the time not even appear products you could be interested in buying. The figures endorse: the ratio click on the banners does not stop down, 94% of consumers skip the pre-roll ads for the first five seconds and 1 in 10 display ads come not ever be seen by a person. Not to mention the rapid growth in the adoption of adblocking: legion consumers are happy to do without online advertising.

In this context, brands must bet on other formats to promote themselves , and budgets give a good account of this: every time grows more investment in quality content, compared with advertisements life, as reflected in the analyst Rebecca Lieb in a new report, where various statistics on the effectiveness of online ads of various brands top are shared.

Some benefits of taking protein shakes

Although it is increasingly common to find people who take a daily basis protein shakes, the truth is that today still are many people who deny and even see consumption as something unhealthy.

Today I want to show some of the benefits of taking protein shakes while trying to end the “myth” or bad reputation with which still carry today.

To start with this issue we want to make clear that protein shakes are not supplements whose purpose is the replacement of meals or foods needed in our diets, nor are they a magic potion to “inflate” our muscles, but they will be an extra intake in our diet to benefit.

The Paris Agreement and Exiting Fossil Fuel Use

We have systematically worked our way through a veritable goldmine of natural resources in order to power our consumer-driven lifestyle. The amount of resources we have excavated and plundered reads like a modern-day shopping list: fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, shale gas and, of course, oil. Coal is the most polluting of all the fossil fuels.

The wedding bun: some expert tips

When it comes to selecting your hairstyle for your big day, there are so many options to choose from that it can become a little overwhelming. One of the most popular choices is the wedding bun, a classic look that never goes out of style. Want to know how to wear it? Read on to get some top tips on how to style your bun!