The health of your feet in the hands of experts rather than home remedies

We often are not aware of its importance, but the health of our feet needs of the revisions to the podiatrist corresponding to prevent diseases or conditions that may jeopardize their welfare when home remedies are no longer effective.

Proper footwear, hygiene, hydration or application of relaxing massage is some of the cares that can help improve the state of our feet.

However, when the discomfort, bad smell or any other condition appropriates this part of our body, home remedies like hot baths, applying moisturizers, toothpaste bananas, vegetable oils or juice blend and lemon Vaseline are only an aid to treatment determined by the medical specialist.

Benefits of health nectarine

Do you know the benefits of nectarine for our health? Conceived as one of the most important summer fruits and peach variant is presented as one of the great allies of our body to regulate our blood pressure or prevent formation of muscle cramps, do you want to know more details?

Where does nectarine?

Not too long ago, nutrition experts considered that the nectarine was a result of cross between peach and plum, but nothing is further from reality. We know today as the nectarine is the result of their own mutations suffered by the producer of peaches tree.

Symptoms of arteriosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries which they lose their elasticity, which become rigid and thick. Today we tell from our health blog its main symptoms.

What are the main symptoms of atherosclerosis?

The wall of the artery is injured and, in response, our body accumulates platelets to plug the injury. Platelets turn favor fat storage, i.e. cholesterol, thereby making plates ranging blood vessels goes more slowly narrowing form.

Relieving Asthma

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system, which causes chronic inflammation of the airway. The root of the disorder is complex and involves intermittent airway obstruction, inflammation and hyper responsiveness in them. Today we suggest some exercises to relieve asthma from our blog.

When the subject is suffering an asthma attack the muscles around your airways are placed in tension and the lining of the tubes swells, so that air could happen in the normal state is reduced.

Some benefits of taking protein shakes

Although it is increasingly common to find people who take a daily basis protein shakes, the truth is that today still are many people who deny and even see consumption as something unhealthy.

Today I want to show some of the benefits of taking protein shakes while trying to end the “myth” or bad reputation with which still carry today.

To start with this issue we want to make clear that protein shakes are not supplements whose purpose is the replacement of meals or foods needed in our diets, nor are they a magic potion to “inflate” our muscles, but they will be an extra intake in our diet to benefit.

Properties of the amino acid glutamine

Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid called a number of beneficial properties for the brain and, in general, to the nervous system.

Properties of the amino acid glutamine

  • Glutamine may help to combat alcohol addiction.
  • In addition to glucose, glutamine is also ideal for our nervous system “food”. In fact, it can improve intellectual performance and be helpful in cases of sadness or discouragement and long periods of stress and increases levels of GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) When the amino acid glutamine crosses the blood-brain barrier becomes glutamic acid it is essential for brain function.
  • This amino acid can help in the treatment of intestinal problems, peptic ulcers, etc.
  • In skin problems caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
  • Muscle and joint pain from diseases like arthritis.
  • It is appreciated by athletes because it helps build muscle mass. Ideal for a long time injured athletes who have lost muscle mass or long bedridden patients also need to regain muscle or suffer muscle weakness. It seems that after accidents, surgeries and other traumatic situations our body releases glutamine and lose muscle mass.

Why do you have to spend time talking with your physiotherapist?

For sports injuries, or problems of everyday life, you may have to resort to consulting a physiotherapist, looking to us “adjustment”, “pull”, “massage”, “sell” and ultimately, we apply a treatment to improve the condition; but often we forget the importance of communication between therapist and patient.

Therefore, I take this opportunity to recommend investing time in talks between therapist and patient, but the talks made ​​while giving or receiving a massage or mobilization, or you dress or undress in the changing of the query or you cross the physio at the supermarket. I mean what is called “treatment hands off”.

Fiber-rich foods

The fibers play an important role in nutrition. Usually, a daily intake of about 25 to 30 grams is recommended (although the recommendation varies according to age and gender). However, many people consume too little fiber. Today we will review some of the most high-fiber foods so you can improve your diet.