The best electric bikes

The electric bikes are ideal for those who enjoy the pleasure of moving without noise, vibration and smoke from an elegant and easy way at the same time. Also, do not forget that the electric scooter does not produce either atmospheric or noise pollution . All these advantages must be added that mobility is about fifteen times cheaper as they only spend about 50 cents per 100 km.

The absence of online reputation management can bring serious damage

Caring online reputation is absolutely necessary for any brand today.Internet is a useful means of communication, where updated information, which can give us visibility, or the worst in us.

90% of users trust the recommendations published on the Internet conspecifics (Forrester). 70% trust what they indicate users do not know, and 27% values the opinion of experts. Only 8% believed what they say celebrities. Meanwhile, 75% of customers do not believe what they say advertising.

Influence buying decisions. 70% revises such comments before deciding to buy. Proof of this is that the traffic of the main user reviews sites has grown 158% in the last year. In addition, 97% of consumers who have made a purchase following these tips you agree with the assessments published.

Some things that have been very fashionable in the gym and have disappeared

On countless occasions we have discussed how they influence fashion in training and give us the offer sports centers. So this time we want to remember and dwell on some of the more fitness trends followed in recent years and have passed into history without shame and without glory. There are many ups and downs in sport and why we believe it is an issue to consider.

Trends in fitness weigh more than we think. If we stop to think for a moment, especially those we have long training, we will see that the training rooms have been many activities of various kinds, and even equipment that were the bomb and now nobody remembers. It does not mean they are better or worse activities but tastes and uses are changing, and the techniques and goals of people.

Lying in the era of online reputation

These days a read article about Liars companies, those who buy and sell fake online reviews: “New York fined 19 companies for paper writing fake reviews on the Internet”. The issue is not new, but still present and prominent role in all matters relating to the management of Reputation Online:

What is the level of credibility that can give online reviews?

This was the first question from the audience I performed at a congress of marketing, back in 2008 !! when we showed the then pioneering studies of online reputation for hospitality and tourism.

A few days ago came back to me the same question was with which I received in the presentation of a report Online Reputation for an outstanding tourist destination.