Lying in the era of online reputation

These days a read article about Liars companies, those who buy and sell fake online reviews: “New York fined 19 companies for paper writing fake reviews on the Internet”. The issue is not new, but still present and prominent role in all matters relating to the management of Reputation Online:

What is the level of credibility that can give online reviews?

This was the first question from the audience I performed at a congress of marketing, back in 2008 !! when we showed the then pioneering studies of online reputation for hospitality and tourism.

A few days ago came back to me the same question was with which I received in the presentation of a report Online Reputation for an outstanding tourist destination.

Cold or heat to treat an injury

Having presented the issue and expose separately from the therapeutic application of heat and cold comes time to clarify a very common question we’ve all ever thought: How do I know whether to apply heat or cold to treat an injury?

In general, there are lesions improve with cold, sometimes heat, and in other cases both techniques can be beneficial. To know whether to apply heat or cold to an injury just you have to have a few things clear.

The benefits of safety squat bar for training

One of the most interesting tools that we can use in the gym (although not found in many sports centers) is the safety bar. This is a bar with a slightly different from the straight bars classic design: the discs are not in line with the rest of the bar, but a little lower, and also features two additional bars in the center to facilitate the grip and support on the back.

While the safety bar is traditionally used to train back squats, we can also use it for other exercises like good morning, the strides displacement or front squats. We explain what benefits when training with this equipment.

Marketing content resources to build trust and brand awareness

Content marketing has become an indispensable practice within the marketing strategy of companies. 87% of B2B uses social networks to promote their content, using an average of 5 platforms.

B2B companies currently spend 26% of their marketing budget to its content strategy, and more than half of them plans to increase its investment in the next 12 months.

LinkedIn is the most used social platform to share content for these companies (76%), just twice as Facebook (38%). Meanwhile, Twitter is in second place (59%), especially due to its potential as a broadcast channel.

Types of designs for table linens

The soul of the celebrations, banquets star that shines and the letter of our culinary delights. While some years ago the tablecloths served a purely functional role, now will not only help us protect this furniture, but are also useful to define the decorative style we want for the dining room. Hence the importance of choosing the right one for every occasion and best suited to our table. Why then we talk about different types of designs of this textile piece.

As mentioned above, it has not always been given the importance it deserves the tablecloth. A few decades ago there were hardly any options on the market, and the criteria for purchase are basically limited to the tissue and the size. However, now we find a wide variety of alternatives ranging from the traditional to the most creative.

Is a TV aerial your landlord’s responsibility?

It can often be confusing as to which areas of maintenance are your responsibility when you are renting a property and which your landlord should deal with. One topic that comes up regularly is whether the TV aerial is the landlord’s responsibility, especially if there is not one at the property or it requires fixing or upgrading.

The T-Rex is reborn with the new technology of Audi

The most feared being on the planet … one whose roar shook the hearts of thousands of victims whose footsteps lay ahead the arrival of a cruel and fatal to their lives destiny and those of their loved ones … is the new star of Audi. Millions of years then the almighty Tyrannosaurus Rex passed away, like their reign of terror. But what if he had survived and reached our days? Surely he had not resisted driving the new Audi.

The German car firm presents us with the launch of its innovative vehicle, a funny video which shows us an alternate universe in which the prehistoric predator Titanic survived the great catastrophe until our days. At present, the saurian not been able to resist mounted on the back of the new Audi and test their endurance on the road.