This is how winter time influences your body and your health

This weekend, in the passage from Saturday to Sunday, at 3 o’clock in the morning it will be 2 o’clock . This has a good side (one more hour to sleep) and another not so good: we enter fully into the winter schedule.

This change of time began to be made in the 70s in an attempt to save energy and that remains in theory the reason why it remains, although it is more a symbolic measure than effective , something that has been used as an argument to stop changing the time and keep us always in the schedule we call summer.

If you have proposed to get fit and your environment is against, these tricks can help you

Among our purposes at the time of getting in shape we can consider many alternatives that range from exercising regularly to feeding ourselves properly. But not always this objective that we set ourselves can be carried out. It seems that on many occasions everything is turned against so that we can achieve our goals. That’s why we want to give some tips or tricks to overcome these obstacles that prevent us from achieving our goals.

The environment that surrounds us is very important when it comes to achieving our goals. It is true that willpower and perseverance play an important role when it comes to reaching a successful conclusion, but it is not always enough to mentalize and do our part, since in most cases the environment has to accompany us. But if this is not so we can have some aces in the sleeve to get it.

Canada will look for suicidal tendencies in social networks through artificial intelligence

The Government of Canada has partnered with a company specialized in artificial intelligence, Advanced Symbolics, to analyze messages from 160,000 social media profiles looking for suicidal tendencies. The objective of the Canadian administration is to predict increases in the risk of suicide in the different territories and provinces of the country.

So you can integrate the elastic bands in your machine training

On countless occasions we have talked about the importance of elastic bands when exercising, since they allow us a certain autonomy. The rubbers provide resistance to our movements and are a good tool when exercising anywhere, because they can be good traveling companions. Despite this it is important that we review this device that will help us achieve better results and especially when it comes to work.

Facebook recognizes that there is a problem with content moderation

Earlier this month, the European Union made it clear that extremist content should be eliminated in one or two hours, asking companies such as Facebook, Google or Twitter to improve the moderation process.

The problem comes when you have a platform with 2 billion active users, since moderating all the generated content becomes a titanic task. The company’s 7,500 moderators do not seem to deal with the amount of work they have.