This is how Pilates helps you become a better runner

If you are a runner and you are looking for another activity with which to complement your workouts, it is a good idea to take a look at the Pilates classes and studies that are near your home. Remember that running is not just running , and that the specific work of strength, joint mobility and career technique is essential to improve your brands and to run safely.

Messaging or piracy? Telegram and its thousands of groups with movies, discs and applications

One of the strengths of Telegram is its encryption , being a platform that bet more on privacy than other services of the competition. This has led them to be blocked in Russia.

This is ideal (for example) if you are a journalist working in a country without freedom of expression, but it has also generated much controversy about the use that terrorists could make with this tool.

Passing heat does not compensate: Bikram Yoga has the same benefits as other types of Yoga (and more risks)

The Yoga is one of the most fashionable activities in recent years: every time we find more offer classes in both gyms and studios or even different types of associations. And the fact is that the practice of Yoga brings us many benefits for our body and for our mind ( many of them scientifically proven ) and it is an activity that can be practiced by anyone (with their proper progressions and regressions in the postures) regardless of their age, sex or physical condition.

Why Linux triumphs in everything but the desktop

Linux is the absolute leader in supercomputing , it is much more used than Windows in servers, and in 2017 Android became the most used operating system , surpassing Windows for the first time in history. That triumph of Android is also a triumph of Linux .

But on the desk, on the desk, the story is a very different one, one that Linus Torvlads himself considers his personal failure . The creator of Linux started Linux as a desktop operating system and that is precisely the only area in which Linux does not dominate.