Are 10,000 daily steps enough to be fit?

Surely all at some time you have heard the recommendation given to the general population to walk, at least, 10,000 steps a day . That said, all of a sudden, it may seem a lot, but the reality is that the equivalent distance, obviously depending on each person (especially the height of each person) are between seven and eight kilometers, which seems more affordable.

What are the loot boxes of modern games and why do they accuse them of promoting gambling addiction in kids?

Would you pay 680 dollars for playing a game? And 800? To the majority it can seem an absurd question to us, but there are people who are letting themselves drag by these prices. Like Alie Badillo , the woman who a couple of years ago left about $ 1,000 playing Candy Crush. Or also like the players who, according to an EA worker, have been able to spend up to $ 15,000 on the Mass Effect.

Admission, of course, is not immediate. Nobody would go to a store to leave a month’s salary for an entertainment that will last a few weeks or a few months. The issue is that these payments are camouflaged, fractioned. They are the microtransactions, the pay to win or, as they are being popularized by the enormous controversy of the new Star Wars Battlefront , the loot boxes .

How your body changes with prolonged stress

The stress is one of the key factors that affect our health and, in turn, is one of the most elusive and difficult to handle: often comes imposed on us by conditions beyond our control and each person is affected differently.

This makes it difficult to determine exactly what the effects of stress on our body are. It would be necessary to follow a large group of people closely. measure their physical evolution and stress levels over a long period of time and rule out that any change in the first factor is caused by other reasons.

The best extensions for Firefox that do work with Firefox Quantum

Firefox Quantum has already landed among us, and to the delight of many it is an exceptionally striking browser version due to its great speed and commitment to new technologies.

One of these new technologies is precisely the change of the development model of the add-ons for the browser, which will now use the WebExtensions calls. This is good and bad at the same time. On the one hand we will have more powerful extensions and easier to develop, and on the other, many of the old supplements have stopped working.