Up to 1650 liters of luggage in the new Hyundai i30 Wagon, to enjoy with the whole family

Following the recent appearance of the new Hyundai i30 at the beginning of the year, the Geneva Motor Show 2017 has been the stage in which the Korean brand has sought that balance between compact and familiar that so much like in some markets. It is the Hyundai i30 Wagon, a car whose 602 liters of luggage want to call parents with children or anyone who needs extra space.

Babies and toddlers with vegetarian diets, is it healthy?

Feeding infants and young children is key to their development and adequate growth, so when talking about diets without food of animal origin in the smallest there is always controversy and debate, but is it healthy for babies and toddlers to carry a vegetarian diet?

Vegetarian diets for children

We always think that vegetarian diets are advisable for the health of the organism, but when it comes to children the vision is different and several cases of children with health problems and who carried vegan diets have generated controversy on the subject.

Duplicate the size of any image without losing quality

If I told you that there is a way of rescaling an image up to twice its size without being pixelated and loses visual quality in the process, you probably would not believe me, or assume that it is a rather complicated work that maybe only in Hands of an expert. But, that’s exactly what this tool does.

The best part is that you do not have to learn anything special or use a super complicated program. Really? I swear. It sounds like an offer too good to be true, but it is not. Waifu2x is a website from which you can improve the resolution of illustrations and photographs while reducing noise and avoiding artifacts.

Carnevale Ambrosiano, the most fun carnival in Italy

Today begins one of the funniest carnivals in Italy: the “Carnevale Ambrosiano”. For centuries, this carnival is distinguished from others because it lasts four more days. The Ambrosiano begins when the Roman carnival is finished. Although it is celebrated in all the region of the Lombardy, it is in Milan where the majority of events are concentrated.

Why trans fats are a harmful nutrient and how to avoid them in the daily diet

The trans fats are a type of fat found naturally in foods but especially widespread in industrial food source because the oils change their structure during processing. We tell you why trans fats are a harmful nutrient and how to avoid them in the daily diet.

The sugar added to food is not the only enemy of our health, but the refined flours, the oil palm and the trans fats can harm and are therefore ingredients and / or nutrients in our diet should control.

RansomFree is an application that will try to block any ransomware before it affects you

Ransomware is one of the most profitable malware for those who engage in digital fraud. In fact, last March was already about to become a millionaire problem. For those who do not know what it is, we can remember the case of the so-called “Police virus”, which showed a message on the screen as we had to pay a “fine” (rather a rescue) to recover our files and our computer for Illegal activities in it.