Fish oil, is it really a superfood?

The fish’s own fat is rich in good quality lipids, among which the omega 3 or essential fatty acids for the body stand out, however, fish oil, is it really a superfood?

Like all oils, fish is 99.9% fat, most of which are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Unlike other oils, fish does have cholesterol in amounts of around 600 mg per 100 grams, because it is of animal origin, and also a good source of vitamin D and A.

What was missing, Android apps and botnets that want to use us to mine cryptocurrencies

The use of crypto miners like Coinhive, one that was born as an interesting proposal to monetize websites asking users a small percentage of use of their CPU to mine cryptocurrencies like Monero, is increasingly leaning towards the worrying side.

We already talked about how The Pirate Bay had started using it without asking users, or how some extensions for Chrome were abusing the same thing. But the problem is not limited to the browser, but it has also reached the Android applications.

Superman in quadrupedia: a simple exercise explained step by step to work your back and your core

If you are looking for an exercise that you can do daily to work the muscles of your back and the internal muscles of your abdomen, the superman in quadruped is what you are looking for. A very complete exercise that you can perform in any place, suitable (following the necessary progressions, of course) for any level and that offers us great benefits.

We explain how to do the superman in quadruped step by step so you can include it in your training routine.

31 Linux distributions to choose the one you need the most

It is very possible that many of you have heard about GNU / Linux but you have not decided to try it because you do not know which distribution to choose. Even if you are already Linux users, even if you are not completely satisfied with it and you want to find some other alternative. Or who knows, after all, all you need is an operating system to revive that old computer that is accumulating dust in the storage room.