YouTube will use Wikipedia information to counter your problem with conspiracy theories

It is not necessary to produce events of great importance to warn that conspiracy theories find a perfect showcase on YouTube , from those most harmless to the most potentially dangerous . However, with severe episodes like the shooting at a school in Florida on the table, emerge with greater impact. And the platform wants to avoid it with Wikipedia.

Five stigmatized foods that really are good for your health

Throughout the years when certain foods have been mentioned, we have always taken our hands to the head or they have always been seen as foods to avoid in our diet. The truth is that in the collective feeling these foods occupy a lower position and therefore it is important that we take into account that they are not as bad as they think . Our mission with this post is to end with the stigma of these foods.

Excess calories, excess cholesterol, too much sugar, you should not eat at certain times … These have been some of the statements that we have tired of listening to over time about certain foods. Many of them are totally unfounded or the result of studies that have become obsolete in many cases.

In Fedora have achieved ways to increase the performance of the battery in Linux up to 30%

Fedora, the emblematic distribution maintained by Red Hat continues to look for ways to improve the experience of its users. In this particular case, it is Hans de Goede , the head of the desktop hardware enablement team who has been working on improving battery life in Linux.

Hasn explains in his presentation several energy management features that could be activated by default in the distributions to save valuable watts. Their tests so far have managed to increase the battery life by almost 30% on a Lenovo ThinkPad T440 running Fedora.

The great war in the science of nutrition on weight loss: low-fat diets vs low-carbohydrate diets

Good morning and welcome to the January cost, those weeks that follow the Christmas holidays and that are felt in your pocket and on the scale. It is the time to lose weight par excellence, the time to propose it as a goal for the new year.

Put to make that effort (lose weight is not easy, and keep it even less), it is best to do so based on what science has shown that works . Of course this is not always easy because some things have not been unequivocally demonstrated so far and the supporters of some ideas and others defend yours as the most appropriate, healthy or effective.

Tap water or mineral water: Which is healthier?

Blue Gold. That is the nickname that mineral water receives, referring to the usual color of the bottles that contain it, but also to the enormous business that has been mounted around it.

A surprising business, where tap water is potable throughout the country, and significantly cheaper . Are there then reasons to pay for drinking bottled water?

How to set up my new Chromecast

If you have a Chromecast in your hands and want to configure it, you have reached the right place. This small device work and grace of Google has become a must for many. The first day we plugged it behind the TV and it seems that we forgot about it, but every time we use it we know why we like it so much . The convenience of launching any video on TV is what you have.