Relieving Asthma

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system, which causes chronic inflammation of the airway. The root of the disorder is complex and involves intermittent airway obstruction, inflammation and hyper responsiveness in them. Today we suggest some exercises to relieve asthma from our blog.

When the subject is suffering an asthma attack the muscles around your airways are placed in tension and the lining of the tubes swells, so that air could happen in the normal state is reduced.

How to treat asthma

Treatments for asthma there are ultimate goals by controlling inflammation, help the sick who can lead a life as normal as possible and prevent it affecting the substances that trigger the attacks. Today we can find two types of drugs to treat our asthma:

-Of Control: The prolonged use of tempo and are useful for those with moderate or severe asthma. To take effect we need to take it every day, even if we have not suffered any attack.

-Of Relief: Also known as rescue medications and consumed when we are in the midst of an attack. That is, when we are having trouble breathing, we cough excessively, panted, etc. Sometimes use is also recommended before making any sport, so we prevent these symptoms.

What exercises are healthier to relieve asthma?

So … Is it good that an asthma exercise? Of course, for anyone is healthy sport, but an asthmatic should be aware that there are better exercises than others in regard to their illness. This is because each needs a different amount of oxygen required and the less it will be better for the person who suffers it. Let’s see what kind of exercises and sports are most beneficial and safe for an asthmatic.

-Swimming: The warm, moist environment of the pools is ideal to avoid symptoms of respiratory crisis. We can exercise our lungs and get in shape.

-Yoga: The fact that is practiced indoors favors no attacks occur. You get to relax your body and breathe easy. And you can learn to master your body when the crisis occurs.

-Walk: Half an hour a day will be perfect one truck to keep the line and yet not make great efforts. The key is not to force. If you think it necessary to use a mask to prevent external factors ruin your hike.

-Cycling: Although noted as a good activity we must make it clear that an asthmatic should not develop long and hard, if not reap practicing riding cycling for short periods fruit. As in the above case, consider the need to use a mask.

-Pesas: We must think of proper diagnosis of each session. With exercise three times a week on alternate days will suffice. As for the routine to wear, the ideal is to make highly variable and generally exercises local action i.e. that focus on specific muscles.

-Voleibol: The best of this discipline is that it is an exercise that combines moments of maximum energy input with other quieter requiring less activity, which is perfect for asthmatics.

-Golf: It is a quiet sport that requires not exceeds the physical limits, what standard bearer of asthmatics is made.

-Kárate: It is a sport that adds two very beneficial factors. First, it is done indoors, which takes us away from the negative external factors. And secondly, it combines moments of great effort with other less.

-Ballet: As in the previous case, it is practiced inside and does not require a prolonged energy over time. In addition, in this sport special attention to stretching is provided, making it even more suitable.

-Esgrima: Once again we find an indoor sport that is not subject to great efforts, but it requires certain intensity intermittently.

What do you think these exercises to relieve asthma? Do you practice? How was the experience?