How to convince a sceptic of the value of good web design

Even in the era of digital dominance, there are some business owners who shy away from getting a website because they fail to see the virtues of having one. There are plenty of ways to turn a sceptic into a converted web owner, however, and make them realize the value of good web design.

Build credibility and trust

The reality is, if you don’t have a website, it impacts negatively on your trust and credibility. People expect businesses to have a website these days, and if you don’t have one, there’s a good chance that customers will look elsewhere to businesses that do.

With a carefully designed website, you can implement elements such as adding reviews and customer testimonials, or displaying your industry credentials, to build trust and respect for your brand.

Brand building

For a website to look professional it needs to be designed well. This can be done by anyone but is often recommended being done by a professional web designer. Having a good web design will make your site more appealing to prospective customers. If you’re looking for a web design Cumbria based company, then look no further than .

Worthwhile investment

Website sceptics may be put off by the investment in time and money that is needed to create and maintain a site. They may argue that these valuable resources are better spent elsewhere on their business. This is a short-sighted approach, however.

The investment you make for your website can yield much wider and longer-term benefits than you had imagined. According to Forbes from traffic, branding and conversion rates to SEO, your complete internet presence is affected by your site design.

Increase sales

Importantly, good web design can help to boost your income potential. By attracting traffic to your site, you can grow your customer base in a much bigger way than just having a bricks-and-mortar store. With a website that has an ecommerce function, your sales will not be restricted by your physical location. If you implement SEO techniques, this can also help to make your website easier to find on search engines, further widening your reach to bigger audiences.

Good web design also allows you to remain competitive in a saturated market, and stay one step ahead of your rivals, who themselves may have failed to appreciate the benefits of great website design.