Four Web Design Trends for 2016

The online world is constantly evolving as customers demand enhanced user experiences, designers work with evolving aesthetics and underpinning technologies and connected devices are upgraded. So what are the hot trends being predicted for web design next year?

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Bolder Type and Colour

Colour and typography are both set to get a whole lot bolder in the coming year, with both being used as key methods of reinforcing brand values and communicating critical marketing messages. Previously, technical limitations for layouts and font usage meant that designers tended to play on the safe side, but this looks set to change. Web fonts are becoming freely accessible, and there is an evident shift away from muted colour. Creative use of typography is expected to be seen across websites rather than just in headlines.

The Impact of CSS3 on Web Layouts

Support for CSS3 has now reached critical mass, and some of the newer modules can be used freely. The flexible box layout is suitable for all current main browsers, and although it isn’t likely to dramatically change aesthetics or layout, pages will be easier to manage thanks to their speedier rendering, and the system will require fewer hacks to use effectively. To find out more about this, contact an agency that specialises in strategic web design in Leicester.

The team at Pixel Utopia provide web design in Leicester and are already skilled in the new developments and ready to launch them with their clients.

Illustration Rather Than Photos

A greater move towards illustration is expected to be a big trend in the year ahead, allowing viewers to establish their own interpretations of ideas or scenes and connect with a brand or concept in a different way. Where photos are used, they will be less likely to stretch right across the viewing section, allowing for a more approachable connection for the viewer. The result will be imagery which the viewer can better relate to, rather than glossy and unobtainable high-end imagery which bears little relation to the user’s real life.

Domination by Material Design

Google’s Material is likely to become the lead platform of UK development, particularly as more users adopt smartphones rather than laptops or PCs. Although the system isn’t new, it is now finally set to come into its own with greater adoption and a new raft of user kits and platform extensions.