Everything you need to know about Yooka-Laylee

When we think of RARE, we always think about its Nintendo stage, much more colorful, creative and fun. With its acquisition by Microsoft, it lost much of its identity until those of Redmond knew to pay him the homage that they deserved with ‘RARE Replay’. And it seems that the English have impregnated that spirit with the future ‘Sea of Thieves’, very promising.

But what about your most beloved saga, ‘Banjo-Kazooie’? No sign of the couple. Hence we were pleased with the KickStarter project of ‘Yooka-Laylee’, with several former members of RARE (Chris Sutherland, Gavin Price or Steve Mayles, among others) as a spiritual successor. Its funding campaign swept through 2015.

And if we take a look at the calendar, we realize that there are less than two months remaining for sale, thanks to the English Team 17. We can face one of the great surprises of 2017. But above all, before a video game that seeks to rescue the spirit of the great classic platforms of the Nintendo 64. And that are always bigger words.

The Benefits of Yoga Inverted Asanas

In a Yoga session we go through different asanas or postures with different goals and benefits, including investment or semi-investment asanas. Surely you have seen them in different photos or illustrations: the inversion asanas are those in which the feet are above the head (as for example the asana of the candle) while the ones of semi-inversion are those in which the Heart is above the head (as in the case of the dog face down).

An international macro-raid ends with ‘Avalanche’, a global network of cyberattacks

After more than four years of research, coordinated action between various agencies and international authorities has culminated in the macro-operation against the international infrastructure ‘Avalanche’. For years, this network has allowed several operators malware and botnets benefit from an extra layer of security against raids and bans domains.

Where to start: volume or definition?

One of the issues that generate greater doubt in the weight room any gym, especially among people who start in this world, is not quite sure where to Get Started How volume or definition? We know our purpose, but not the way forward.

It is true that the process to reach a good definition will come marked largely by physical condition we left and the genotype of each own, but what is certain is that in order to define muscle, we must first create it.