10 flowers to decorate in winter

Garnish with fresh flowers is one of the most ornamental resources we can use to complement the decor of our home, and not to reduce gardening to an outside plane: always recommend choosing some houseplants that give joy to the rooms. In this case, I will mention 10 varieties that can not only live within doors, but now in winter reach their perfect time to bloom.

1) Azalea

It will flourish towards the end of winter. It is an outdoor plant, but can live without problems indoors whenever you are in a bright place without sunlight will shine directly. His favorite place is a corner of partial shade and watering, if possible, with rainwater.

2) Gelsemium

A climber winter with which we can use our imagination to locate inside the house.

3) Lantana

During the winter does not have to water more than once a week, it has a very high resistance to drought. Gives very beautiful results in baskets given its variety of colors, which can be purple, blue, white, red, yellow, red or even some combined pairs.

4) Camelia

A plant purely winter, which will develop in acidic soils some beautiful flowers like roses, with colors ranging from white to pink.

5) Cyclamen

We must avoid getting direct light and water with low abundance and infrequently, but fleeing dry environments. Its petals are elongated and can flourish in white or pink or purple tones.

6) Christmas Cactus

Unlike the rest of cactus, itself must be watered, but every two weeks at most. In it, it grows a pretty pink flower.

7) Petunia

Protected from rain and wind, they grow surprisingly, filling color. There are very good in hanging baskets, either indoors or outdoors. It is important not to wet the flowers when watering the plant, as they are very sensitive and quickly remove the fallen petals wither as they can reach the rest.

8) Galanto

Also known as snowdrops, flowers at the end of this season and, although it may take, when it does have beautiful hanging white sheets. He prefers partial shade and moist soil permanently, without becoming waterlogged.

9) Tagete

This flower of Mexican origin is characterized by off a very intense aroma when evening comes. Develops a yellow or orange flowers and a considerable size.

10) Poinsetia

Classical flower Easter is a tradition in every home when Christmas approaches, but can last the whole year. Raise her indoors can be more complicated than it seems, because it is a delicate plant especially sudden changes, so at the time of transport home where we buy is essential to protect it .Once installed, it grows in perfect condition by a window because you need a lot of light after its characteristic red bloom.

Other flowering plants in winter are the Persian violet, lily, chrysanthemum, cineraria, the wallflower, calendula and thought.

Choose plants to decorate is always a good choice, even though some of them may involve certain labor intensive care, the results are worth it as the combination of decorative details with these natural ornaments is unmatched. It also represents a challenge to play with the elements to combine flowers with baskets, vases and centers, in addition to the decorative set.