Engagement: A commitment beyond the formulas

The Engagement, a term that has been using rather regularity when it comes to Internet and specifically social media, increasingly positions itself more as the cornerstone of the Social Web. It is the ultimate goal, the main objective.

Engagement is an Anglo-Saxon term that has no precise translation (literally means “commitment”), but refers to a relationship between two parts of a high degree of confidence and with a view to be long term.

To achieve levels capitalizable Engagement is necessary to cultivate relationships that are developing on the Internet. It is through the relationship with our community, monitoring and cultivation, we can identify those people who, besides being true users of our products and loyal to our brand, have influence on their community are. Natural Born Leaders opinion, they are not necessarily anointed by the mass mediation, but normal people that other people follow and respect.

Yacarlí Carreño, social and broadcaster Venezuelan media manager developed with me, a system for classifying levels of closeness to the Community way of knowing how far we are from achieving an ideal Engagement. These levels are measured through the Conversation on Social Networks:

Level, listening

The first thing to make a mark, even before entering the Social Web actively, is to listen to the audience. To do track mentions that obtain in the various social sites, to thereby identify which field will mark entrada We know ?, follow us ?, show interest ?, Who are they ?, Where come talk ?, what ?, you might be interested in our cause, brand or product? That listener should be extended to all those stakeholders who talk about the brand online.

Level interaction

The rationale for the digital presence of a brand. Interaction is the main tool for “being digital”. It is the most valuable possibility of Internet and makes it the ideal means of communication, as it opens a direct point of contact with people with whom the brand is related not only to the point of purchase, but in all areas where the brand makes contact with a third party.Discard the interaction may not be available on a Digital Marketing plan not sub-interface means use the Web means and not their potential. It is through interaction that began not only to establish the relationship to achieve the long-awaited Engagement, but also allows us to meet our audience, our consumers.

How do we interact? Simply using options that give us different social media: Through mentions, retweets, greetings, exchange contact information, messages, and especially support and mutual and free exchange of Contents.

Level conversation

Conversation is the main strategy of interaction in Digital Marketing. It is well known the phrase “Content is king and queen Conversation is.”Through the conversation it is that we achieve the optimal level above the true Engagement. We can not confuse talking to issue messages, and this is where lies the main difference Internet over traditional media. At the time we respond and / or respond to us, we can properly say that we begin to have a conversation online. Internet is not a land of monologues but dialogues.

The dialogue on the Internet is true, two-way, direct, fluid and allows actions concrete things in the communication strategy of the brand.Through the conversation began to be part of the lives of our audience complementing any previous experience they have had with our brand or product. A brand is not a brand that talks bored, and also lost the most valuable thing you can get to being in Social Media.

Level, the relationship

We have achieved, we are having regular and fluid conversations. We are being proactive in providing solutions, we anticipate because we know the audience and are open to receiving their recommendations and suggestions, but not passively, but with the real purpose of land them in our business strategy. The audience has us confidence, not only because he believes in us, but because they doubt us your concerns, and complaints, suggestions and congratulations. Share your experiences everyday use and proximity to product and brand. At this level we are allies in the long term, and there is a relationship that must be further encouraged.

These levels are not finite in themselves, they are dynamic, permanent and non-linear, as our community grows and is receiving daily new members who have to listen, with whom we interact and converse under set A relationship. The relationship is itself beginning and end. The formulas that claim to give a numerical indicator to Engagement is not enough, while that number does not reflect the quality of our relationship. To measure optimally qualitatively measure we require the Engagement through the proposed levels of closeness, so as to know how close we are to achieve a good relationship with our community.

And you, you know you’re so close to your community?