Having your personal details and credit cards stolen and then used to make online purchases, secure loans or open bogus bank accounts is extremely distressing. Make sure you secure any purchases made by using a retailer with an Online Payment Gateway system so that your personal details are safe. Don’t be a silent victim, if you suspect anything untoward or suspicious has happened involving your bank or personal details then immediately report the matter to your bank and the Action Fraud Authority.
If you are a victim of credit card fraud and erroneous payments have been made from your account you will be protected by The Consumer Credit Act and Payment Services Regulations. If it’s a Debit Card and not a Credit Card that’s stolen or used falsely you might be liable for the first £50 but if you weren’t negligent and you report the matter quickly this fee is often waived.
Be very careful when reading and checking online correspondence, scammers often try to fool vulnerable people into giving away all their details by claiming they are entitled to a refund or they need that information for official use!
Con Artists and fraudsters often use stolen cards and personal information to apply for bogus Credit and open fake bank accounts. If you receive any correspondence relating to anything suspicious, contact your bank and the three main Credit reference Agencies. The names of the Agencies are; Experian, TransUnion and Equifax you should also notify the Post Office if you think your post has been tampered with or stolen and used in a fraudulent manner.