The Keys to Downward Posture in Yoga

One of the most well-known postures that are most used in Yoga sessions in different styles is the face-down dog or adho mukha svanasana. This posture or asana of Yoga receives this name because it simulates the position that the dogs adopt when stretching. It is a posture of transition and rest.

We can perform the dog upside down as an isolated posture in itself, although the most common is to use it as a transition between other asanas. We explain everything you need to know about this asana to execute it correctly.

Unmasking some false beliefs around the egg

The egg is one of the main and most recognized sources of proteins that we know. It is a food very present in our diet, but as such has behind it countless legends or beliefs that have nothing to do with reality. So on this occasion we want to stop at this point to clarify some issues about eggs and their use in order to get a perfect use of them.