We are legion, the new motto for customers

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.Tarry !. This slogan known that Anonymous championed their own struggle, could well be applied to the vast number of consumers and dissatisfied customers who protest or express their displeasure at the negative experiences with companies and brands. The only difference is that in this case, do not deal with anonymous people who lack or try to hide their identity, but people who report certain abuses and claimed to own name and so discovered, better treatment, better care and solutions their problems as clients.

Surely we all witnessed on occasion of a situation of this kind. Either through forums, communities or social networks, complaints and negative experiences by consumers exposed to all kinds of companies and brands are a constant which is continuously repeated. With it, companies reputation is at stake and tends to a thread that can sometimes lead to conflicts or problems many older and difficult to control for own brands.

Interaction: Why is it so important to your comment?

Long before Facebook announced its new statistics, which are oriented in a measure the interaction of published content (among other things, of course) trends indicate a shift in the industry of social media to interaction, conversation, leaving a little off the myth of large amounts of fans, to focus more on bilateralism, i.e. the commitment of the audience.

What I want to refer to this? Surely you’ve seen quite often: very interesting items that are viewed by thousands of people, retweeted by hundreds, with many clicks on the “Like” button on Facebook, with many “+1” of Google.

From any point of view, a success for its content but, however, when we see the comments area, the reality we see is totally different: very few comments, and even, in some cases, without comment.

How the m-commerce will change again, the way we buy

When even the companies are preparing for the jump to electronic commerce and to change their sales strategies by new needs imposed this change in consumer habits, an evolution of e – commerce has already appeared willing to change even more things. This is the m-commerce, which is no more (or less) than e – commerce from mobile devices. Consumers increasingly access the network from their smartphones and from their tablets, so I expected it to also make e – commerce sites.

The statistics, whether they come from private companies or public bodies from all point towards this trend and confirm that it is a way to buy fully upward. “In recent years, we have seen an upward trend in mobile shopping, but improved usability of the online store to make purchases through mobile devices is essential to compete in this niche market,” recently stated Ivan Navas, CEO Doofinder a shopping search engine, in presenting a report which highlighted, based on data from the firm, which in the first half of 2014 had increased by 12% the number of orders via mobile devices against him achieved in the previous year.