Properties of the amino acid glutamine

Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid called a number of beneficial properties for the brain and, in general, to the nervous system.

Properties of the amino acid glutamine

  • Glutamine may help to combat alcohol addiction.
  • In addition to glucose, glutamine is also ideal for our nervous system “food”. In fact, it can improve intellectual performance and be helpful in cases of sadness or discouragement and long periods of stress and increases levels of GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) When the amino acid glutamine crosses the blood-brain barrier becomes glutamic acid it is essential for brain function.
  • This amino acid can help in the treatment of intestinal problems, peptic ulcers, etc.
  • In skin problems caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
  • Muscle and joint pain from diseases like arthritis.
  • It is appreciated by athletes because it helps build muscle mass. Ideal for a long time injured athletes who have lost muscle mass or long bedridden patients also need to regain muscle or suffer muscle weakness. It seems that after accidents, surgeries and other traumatic situations our body releases glutamine and lose muscle mass.