5 Myths that brands still believe about millennials

Brands are pretty close to despair understand the millennials. The so-called Generation Y or Millennials, which includes those born in the 80s and early 90s, is the object of desire of businesses are the next big group in the labor market (which will become in consumer decision-makers as they will be those who are more spending) and they are one of the most attractive consumer groups by their characteristics to which it has had to face the market in recent decades.

However, brands and businesses do not understand these consumers. Millennials have little to do with their parents or older siblings and are diametrically different from previous generations. Those responsible for human resources, this is causing them great problems because they do not understand what seek these young people when faced with the labor market (their value system is different and value intangibles like happiness over things like high) income. For marketers, the situation is not them easier.