Looking after your back in older age is a huge responsibility as you will want to ensure that you are mobile for as long as possible. The best way to look after your back is to exercise on a regular basis as it helps strengthen your back muscles, which provide support to all your bones and joints. The regularity of your workout is yet another key in looking after your back in older age. The best way to exercise for this is to do moderate weight lifting exercises so that all the muscles in your back are toned.
Even if you have decided to move into Residential Park Homes like the ones from Park Home Life, which are single storey dwellings, you will still want to make sure that you are exercising regularly and strengthening your back muscles whenever possible.
Keeping a good posture is an important part of looking after your back in older age. You need to keep your back straight and don’t bend it in different directions, keep it as straight as possible. You also need to keep a healthy weight because if you gain some weight then your back will get strained. And don’t forget that older people have weaker bones and muscles than the younger ones so it is important that you gently warm up before any exercise, even if this is just simply popping outside to do a bit of gardening.