How to improve building muscle in women, dispel the myths

For women interested in getting in shape and want to increase strength and muscle, here are three steps that can help you achieve this. Every woman should want a good percentage of lean body mass because more muscle means a faster metabolism; it protects bones and even boost self-confidence. There are many women who like to see and feel strong, but there are also many misconceptions when it comes to women who want to build muscle mass. In this post, we will discover some of the popular beliefs and we will see the right strategies to help you get results.

1 – It is Difficult for Women Put on Muscle Mass

This myth is partly true. Women have much less of a hormone that helps build muscle – the testosterone. This anabolic hormone is the main reason why women are limited in their ability to build muscle. In particular, women have about 1/3 of the total amount of testosterone than men and also much less free testosterone. Free testosterone is not bound and thus available to urge its anabolic effects in the body. Healthy men have up to 1100 ng / dL of free testosterone around while women have a mere limit of 86 ng / dl!

While testosterone levels of women can be naturally low, there are nutritional adjustments that can be made to optimize the levels. For example, increasing the fat in the diet can have a positive effect on the amount of free testosterone in the body of women, but it can also have an impact on other hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. When estrogen levels are too high, they are sent out enzymes to break down testosterone and therefore also put a stop to the burning of fat! To control excess estrogen, it is important to follow a diet high in good fats, lean protein, and fiber, plus a few refined carbohydrates. This will help control the aromatization of testosterone to create a hormonal state most optimal for building muscle.

2 – Estrogen to Prevent Being Muscled

The point of the above may lead you to believe that estrogen is bad and prevent it from being lean and muscular, but this is not exactly true. When the estrogen is balanced with progesterone in women metabolism functions are optimal. They are able to burn fat, build muscle and have an energy for workouts. But when estrogen levels are in excess, this can have a negative impact on the energy level, mood and the ability to build muscle and burn fat.

Just like men, it builds muscle mass, stimulating muscle hypertrophy overloading. However, because the growth takes place, the body of women must be able to activate pathways that can lead to the recovery. For this to happen, the hormones must be optimally balanced. In addition to diet, you can reduce the excess estrogen in the body, reducing exposure to estrogen chemical xenoestrogens which are hidden in things like soap, shampoo or even food.

To do this, you need to use natural products for personal care, eat organic whenever possible, and eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables that may help reduce the toxic estrogen metabolites. Eat plenty of fiber is also important; because the fiber can bind to excess estrogen and remove them from the system instead of doing it absorbed the body.

3 – You Must Use a Diet That Supports Muscle Gain

To build muscle, you need to eat enough calories. However, you do not need a diet super charge to increase muscle mass! While overeating is an anabolic process, there are better ways to increase muscle mass. Volumizing traditional diets that are overeating are always eventually increased much unnecessary fat. Consider the use of a cyclical approach of diet in which you increase the calories (with good whole foods) for a period of 2 weeks and follow with a cutting phase of 2 weeks. This approach has been shown to result in a greater increase in lean mass and least amount of fat gained.

One study showed that subjects tested who received a boost from 1200, 1400 and 1600 calories extra a day had increases of important growth factors, including IGF-1, the testosterone, and insulin, as well as the increase in lean body mass. Hormone levels peak were reached the 14th day of the high-calorie diet and then began to decline. This approach can help to stimulate growth and fill your muscles with the nutrients necessary for muscle building.