How to Make the Most of Winter 2020

The winter months can make some people feel a little down in the dumps – and this year, the prospect of a long winter ahead of us seems even more daunting! With no Halloween celebrations or Bonfire parties this year, the winter can seem particularly dark and depressing – but here are some ways that you can keep going and get through the winter that will be very different to normal with your spirits still high…

A Walk in the Countryside – This is one of the best things that you can do for your mental health, and the autumn and winter months are spectacular. For displays of beautiful autumn colour, go for a walk in the woodlands, and during the winter head out across the fields on a frosty morning. This is not only relaxing but great for boosting a low mood and can be enjoyed alone or as a whole family.

Comfort Foods – Winter is all about enjoying delicious warming winter recipes – from Sunday lunch Cotswolds pubs serve up in cosy fireside seats to delicious soups made at home with the seasonal vegetables like pumpkin, broccoli and mushroom.

Taking up Something New – On days indoors when the weather is a bit wild, why not start a new hobby? Whether learning a new language, trying your hand at making your own clothes, or taking up a musical instrument, make the most of the dark winter days to learn something new that you can enjoy.