Home » Tech News » For 6 out of 10 users the mobile is the most important device to connect to the Internet

For 6 out of 10 users the mobile is the most important device to connect to the Internet

For years, smart mobile phones have conquered the day to day of the majority. Spain, without going any further, is one of the most important smartphone territories in the world. That’s why the figures of mobile navigation are increasing and users consider this class of devices as their main window to the network . The mobile, then, continues to rise.

It is one of the most outstanding data of the latest Device Flagship Report of GlobalWebIndex, the world’s largest study on the digital consumer.

Smartphones sweep desktops, laptops and tablets

Analysts asked digital consumers between the ages of 16 and 64, during the second quarter of the year, which was their most important device when accessing the internet. And 61% chose the mobile phone, being far ahead of the laptop, with 19%, the desktop computer, with 18%, and the tablet, with a negligible 2%.

These figures represent an increase of 20% compared to the results obtained during the third quarter of 2016, while corroborating another data known a year ago : the use of internet tablets and mobiles worldwide exceeds desktop.

Therefore, not only does mobile browsing offer us an idea of ​​the impact of telephones on society, but consumers themselves perceive that change and point to these devices as their main gateway to the network.

Continued growth throughout the world

These global data could well be considered an extension of previous reportsmade in national markets such as Spain or other broader ones, such as the one made by Accenture to consumers in Europe, Latin America and South Africa in its Mobile Web Watch report. Figures corresponding to the 2012 study revealed, surprisingly, figures very similar to those included in the GlobalWebIndex analysis.

The consultant then encrypted the number of users who connected to the Internet through a mobile device by 69%. These Internet users were broken down in turn by 61% who did it by mobile, 37% who accessed through netbooks and 22% who used tablets to navigate.

The whole of the planet is more and more similar to the developed countries and those in which the mobiles have entered with more force. These devices are cheaper, easier to get, to connect and use those responsible for a greater global penetration of the internet. Smartphones are the most important means to access the network and will continue to be so over the years.

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