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Why carry out soil sampling?

Farmers looking to improve their yields, make better use of fertilisers and manage their environmental impacts could do well to carry out soil sampling.

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Optimise yield

Farmers Guardian says soil is a farmer’s greatest asset and whatever crop you’re growing or livestock you’re rearing, without the level of fertility in terms of the amount of phosphorous and potassium in your soil, you won’t be able to calculate the optimum crop yield you should be aiming for.

Fertility will vary by each field, or from one side of a field to another, so use soil sampling to understand how the soil in your fields differs and how you will need to support its fertility with the appropriate application of fertilisers.

A fertiliser plan should be made to deploy the right amount of fertiliser to each part of your field, and regular sampling can help you make the most cost-effective use of fertilisers and lime where they are most required and being applied most successfully.

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Fix any problems

Soil sampling can also detect if there are any contaminants in the soil that you will need to address. Contaminants such as lead paint, diesel from old machinery, or from overuse of agricultural chemicals, all need to be addressed by a soil remediation service.

A specialist soil remediation service such as that offered by Soilfix will take samples of your soil to identify what remediation is required and then complete and verify any works needed soilfix.co.uk/services/soil-groundwater-remediation.

When you soil sample, you get the information you need to apply the right elements to optimise your crops but you can do so without putting too many unnecessary chemicals on the soil, so you do not cause any problems for the environment.

Soil sampling can also give in-depth information on the levels of micro-nutrients available in the soil including phosphate, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and nitrogen, which can all affect the productivity of each acre of crop and the quality of crops produced.

Carry out a soil sample to detect problems with soil contamination, overuse of fertilisers or chemicals lacking in the soil and use the results to improve your fertiliser plan and optimise crop production. The price of soil sampling is very cost-effective compared to the price of using fertilisers that aren’t providing your crops with the nutrients they need.

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